The Lizzie Borden Case

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"Lizzie Borden." Violence in America . Charles Scribner's Sons, 1999.
          History Resource Center. Gale Manchester H.S. Lib. 21 Sept. 2007.

“Lizzie Andrew Borden.” Dictionary of American Biography,
         Supplements 1-2: To 1940. American Council of Learned
         Societies, 1944-1958. History Resource Center . Gale.
         Manchester H.S. Lib. 21 Sept. 2007.
“The Lizzie Borden Case (1878-1899).” American Eras. 8 vols. Gale Research,
         1997-1998. History Resource Center . Gale. Manchester H.S. Lib. 24 Sept.
         2007. <>.
“The Trial of Lizzie Borden: Autopsies.” 2007. 
         University of Missouri-Kansas City Law School. 21 Sept. 2007.
“Lizzie Borden.” 2004. 24 Sept. 2007.
“The Trial of Lizzie Borden: Selected Photos.” 2007.  University of
          Missouri-Kansas City Law School. 24 Sept. 2007.
“Lizzie Borden.” 2007. University of Chicago . 24 Sept. 2007.
“Lizzie Borden.” 2007. University of Chicago . 24 Sept. 2007.